Dear Friends,
In just over two weeks, we will head to Mexico for our 16th BOXES OF BLESSING Christmas outreach. We'll give a huge bag of groceries to every one of the 400 homes in the Colonia of Vista Marina, and Christmas stockings to all 400 primary school children! Meanwhile, across town, we'll deliver a small Christmas gift to all 80 pastors of our Foursquare Pacific District. It'll be a wild, wonderful weekend!
Why we are writing: We still need $9,000 to make it happen. Would you consider helping us with a gift to meet this goal? Each box of food costs $40 and each Christmas stocking costs $10.
Thank you so much for your partnership!
We love you and look forward to seeing how God provides!
With love and gratitude,
Sandy and Don Godwin, serving in Mexico since 2008